What is a Cryptocurrency Wallet?

A cryptocurrency wallet is an application that allows a user to carry out transactions and store cryptocurrency digitally on a blockchain. Depending on the type of wallet, the owner can manage and maintain multiple currencies at a time and can check their account balances. As an example, if you were to buy, sell, send, receive or store Bitcoin, you would need to have a digital wallet on Bitcoin’s blockchain that you have the private keys for.

What is the Best Cryptocurrency Wallet?

Cryptocurrency has an ever-growing list of alternatives, and before choosing the best, you’ll need to consider your intent with the wallet. Various wallets offer different functions, so you need to analyze the pros and cons of each. Following the points below will guide you to the best wallet. In short, do your own research.

Establish if you need the wallet for daily purchases or buying and retaining the digital currency as an investment
Find out if you plan to use a single currency or multiple currencies. Whether you require access to your wallet at home alone or from any other place.Create time to establish your needs from the points above and choose the best digital wallet for you.

What is the Safest Bitcoin Wallet?

Cold storage is safer than a hot wallet since it’s never connected to the internet. The various attacks from digital wallets occur from online hackers. The hackers transfer keys to their wallets, risking the funds. For instance, in 2014, an online crypto exchange lost 850,000 from a hot wallet in Japan. Another blow occurred from a hot wallet in 2018 when bitcoin exchange service Coincheck lost billions of cryptocurrency.

The hot wallet experienced smaller thefts over the past five years, and the hackers mostly get the details from online hot wallets. Takeover customer accounts are the most common experienced attacks used by vectors to steal funds from blockchain cryptocurrency wallets.

Types of Cryptocurrency wallets

Cryptocurrency has a wide range of wallets. Each wallet is unique on its own, with different reviews and functions. Going through the list below will give you a wide range of wallets with different characters.

Multi-Currency Wallets

The multi-currency or universal wallet supports more than one cryptocurrency. They can be stored simultaneously and do not keep multiple wallets in various places to avoid getting stolen in one account.

Software Wallets

Software wallets come in different forms, and it’s the main type. The various types of wallets have unique characteristics. The wallets are supported by multiple software platforms like Mac, Windows, and Android. The three software wallets are available in mobile, online, and desktop. Below are the features.

A web-based application that uses additional security and requires a two-step validation. The verification helps keep the wallet safe from online hackers who may use keystroke logging to access the wallet. Software wallets have an exchange link that connects the user’s wallet to a centrally managed account. The trades are recorded as off-chain transactions in the exchange ledger
The transaction is recorded in the blockchain when a user enters their cryptocurrencies into the exchange. The software wallet has its applications installed on tablets, smartphones, or computer devices.

Hardware Wallets

Hardware wallets are highly secured, and the user needs to give their secrete details before accessing the account. The user can connect the wallet to a data processor and give verification for the cryptocurrencies. Using a hardware wallet attracts fewer hackers since the account cannot be easily accessed. Another unique feature with this wallet is that the keys cannot be moved from the account. The transaction process also goes through strict measures when the user generates a transaction.

Watch-Only Wallets

A watch-only wallet allows a person to keep track of the wallet transactions. Since there is no private key stored in the wallet, it’s impossible to initiate the transaction. The private key is secured in a different location.

Multi-Signature (multi-sig) Wallets

Just as the name suggests, a multi-signature wallet is operated by more than one person. The people have separate keys, and each person provides a unique signature.

Brain Wallets

A brain wallet is referred to the notion where the owner keeps into memory the accurate information required to create their public and private key. The owner can never access their bitcoins if they forget their brain wallet.

Hot Wallets

A hot wallet gets connected to the internet, and one can spend cryptocurrency at any time. For instance, you deposit funds into your wallet when you create an account. You can quickly set up hot wallets and access the funds efficiently. They are suitable for traders and frequent users.

Cold Wallets

Cold wallets do not require the internet at any time. They are safer since hackers do not have access to the account. A wallet becomes risky when it’s connected to the internet. So, a cold wallet has few chances of theft. It’s also suitable for people who need long term savings.

Deep Cold Storage Wallets

With deep cold storage, a wallet user stores cryptocurrencies without the internet. If you need to leave a lifetime investment for your lineage, then this is the best wallet.

Deterministic Wallets

Deterministic wallets refer to the usage of a single key or seed, which generates an entire tree of key pairs. The single key is the root of the tree. Its highlight is that you can create a new wallet using the same seed when the hard drive gets corrupted with an unrecoverable wallet. It recovers every address and private key from the old wallet.

Non-deterministic Wallets

A non-deterministic wallet is a practice where each key gets generated randomly on its own. It means that all backups of the wallet single private key are used as an address.

Public and Private Key

Each key has unique features based on their usage. Different people own public keys, but one person only knows a private key. With public keys, the users have pairs of keys that they use for authentication. On the other hand, a private key helps in coding.


From the guide above, you need to find and present the safest bitcoin wallet. It’s not easy to pick and choose one and requires you to analyze keenly and select your suitable wallet.